Thursday, November 4, 2021

My New Chair Has Finally Arrived!


This morning was exciting because first our houseguest arrived, and then my new chair arrived. The houseguest is the furry one who has stayed with us before, and she is so well-behaved. I take her on a walk, and then she sleeps for a couple of hours while I'm working. Here is the new chair:

I took a photo of our houseguest napping, but it wasn't that flattering. As a lady, I would not want anyone posting unflattering photos of me online, so I would not do it to another lady. Instead, enjoy this photo of a rosebush by our dock looking golden in the evening light.

Here are some photos of me wearing my medals. This is the Mount Fuji Challenge medal, the first one I got:

And this is the Road to Hana Challenge medal, which arrived yesterday:

And this one is a (sort of) joke: it's a 2020 Finisher medal!

The medal is a dumpster on fire because people were saying 2020 was a dumpster fire of a year, but honestly I really enjoyed the slower pace of life during the pandemic. After I did my first challenge, all sorts of places were contacting me with challenges I could do to get fun medals, but this one required nothing more than me sending them money. Of course, some would argue that completing 2020 was the toughest challenge of them all! I am thinking of doing the Camino challenge, because the other two challenges I did were forty-six and sixty-four miles, or something like that, so they took hardly any time. The Camino challenge is 480 miles, so it would take me months to do. A true challenge!

This is so funny that I have to include it even though I usually don't find poop humor entertaining: since I am approaching a milestone birthday, the doctor's office pestered me to schedule a colonoscopy, so I did, but then Kathbert said I should try to do a non-invasive test where you just poop into a miniature garbage can and mail it back to them. I asked my doctor about it and was told sure, I'm low-risk for colon cancer, so I could do this test. Weird that you have to ask, and they don't just offer it as an option... So today I got the results back, and they were negative. When I told Travalon, he said, "That must be a load off of your mind!" Bah-doom ching!

Famous Hat

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