Thursday, November 11, 2021

The End of Democracy?


This is a random photo that I forgot to post yesterday: the sunset as seen from the Killer Building.

So last week there were some elections, and the Democrats lost some of them, like Governor of Virginia. They were saying things like maybe the progressives made them lose, or maybe they didn't appeal enough to white voters, or maybe they should have focused on whatever they didn't focus on. Know what they didn't say? That the elections were fraudulent and that they really won, because that's not how Democrats roll. The party isn't perfect, but at least they respect that elections can be won or lost, and they don't automatically assume they were rigged. Whether elections are fair is another question, if districts are overly gerrymandered and a lot of people have too many roadblocks to vote, but they took it on faith, as people have done for over two centuries in this country, that the election results were valid. I have no faith - zero, zippo, nada - that the other party is ever going to behave honorably again if they lose. They say the measure of a man is how he handles defeat, and in that case the other party has no honor at all. We saw that with the 2020 Presidential election (funny how members of that party who won in places where He Who Shall Not Be Named lost didn't say their own elections were invalid), and I fear we might see that in the midterms, although the other party will probably win more than they lose because that is historically how it goes - the party who has the presidency loses in the midterms. But I really fear what will happen if they lose the 2024 Presidential election, because apparently they have decided that it is not possible for them to lose presidential elections, reality be damned. That's when I fear that we may find that our democracy has really ended in this country.

Famous Hat


Richard Bonomo said...

Dear "Famous":

Actually, after Donald Trump's surprise victory in 2016, the Democrats were pretty much saying non-stop that the election was rigged, or manipulated by the Russians, etc. For some reason, you don't remember this. The Left has never admitted that Trump won fair and square. In fact, I've engaged in a brief personal debate with Ambassador Susan Powers who insisted -- to me, directly -- that the Russians flipped the election for Donald Trump.

After the 2020 election, Time magazine reported on the extensive efforts by the Left to -- ahem -- "fortify" the elections: i.e. to do whatever was necessary -- legal and illegal -- to prevent a Trump victory. I also looked at the vote counts in time (downloading the raw data from the NYT) in each state for its presidential election. I can tell you that things were very strange.

The narrative into which you have bought is patently false, I am afraid.

BTW, the US is not and never was intended to be a "Democracy". That model of government was rejected by the framers. We were supposed to be a federal Republic, but, in my view, we've been a Kritarchy, since at least the late 1940s.


Famous Hat said...

I'm sure you don't mind that, since your party has total control of the judicial branch.

Famous Hat said...

Also, while I remember people being horrified that someone so unqualified could win the presidency, I didn't know anyone personally who said the election was invalid, I don't recall any court cases to get state elections overturned, and I certainly don't remember liberals attacking the Capitol Building to stop the electoral votes from being certified. There is no "both sides" here because only one side has been so far beyond the pale. As far as making voting easier for people, how would you like to be someone who has to work three jobs to get by, you can't get to the polls on Election Day, and so you're told your vote doesn't count? Develop a little empathy and get some news from something other than Faux News and OAN.