Wednesday, November 17, 2021

More Phone Misadventures


Today I took the morning off of work so we could go back to the place where we bought my new, non-working phone. They looked at it and agreed that it didn't work, but they said I'd have to go to the bigger store that wasn't even open on Sunday during its regularly scheduled hours, because a technician would have to fix it. The other store didn't open until 11, so we had to hang out until they did open, and then they said they don't fix phones, I would just get a swap because it was within 14 days of purchase. I said that was what I asked to do at the first store, but they wouldn't do it. Anyway, it turns out they didn't have any iPhone 12s, and neither did the big store, so we had to go to the one in the mall. He had an iPhone 12, but he said he didn't know how to do exchanges for Sprint customers because they are T-Mobile. Now we were under the impression that Sprint had been bought out, so we were very puzzled. Eventually he said he would send the phone to the original store where we bought it, and tomorrow the guy who knows how to do Sprint exchanges could help us, since he was on vacation today. I was not happy, since I was using vacation time myself, and it's not entirely clear to me that this is going to work out. I missed a Baroque music concert over lunchtime, and I have a big project due first thing Friday, so it was a terrible time to take off. However, I can't call out from my old phone because it asks for a credit card number to make a phone call. I'm not entirely clear about texts; I have been able to get some on my old phone from Richard Bonomo. So right now I have no working phone but a very expensive piece of useless equipment. Will this ever get resolved??

Famous Hat

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