Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Rosary Return


Years ago, when Rockstar Taylor (who would probably hate that name now) was fascinated by my Catholicism, she asked if she could have a rosary. I gave her one I had gotten free in the mail, with pink, heart-shaped beads, since it seemed appropriate for a little girl. I also gave her a pamphlet written for children that explained how to pray the Rosary. Now that she is off at college, and Hardingfele is a lapsed Unitarian who would never use a rosary herself, I asked if I could have it back. At first Hardingfele assumed she had thrown it away in a purge, and I got kind of angry.

"It's a religious object, not costume jewelry!" I told her. She apologized... and then a few days ago, she emailed me a photo, asking if it was the rosary. It was! It was broken, but today at work she gave it to me, and I took it to Adoration and prayed with it in its broken state. The starting beads broke off below the Glory Be bead, and one starting Hail Mary bead is gone, but once at home with the correct tools (tweezers), I was able to fix it. Here is a photo:

The returned rosary is the one in the middle. On the left are the Moslem (?) prayer beads I got at the antiques shop on Sunday, and on the right is a blue-and-white striped glass rosary I got there.

My new phone continues to confound me. At first when I would open apps on it, they would just close, but I was getting texts and calls. Then the texts just went to my old phone... and now they aren't going to any phone. So if I haven't responded to your text, it's nothing personal. Now my new phone is so bad that when I unlock it, the screen goes blank and flashes. And when it does open, it won't let me take a photo because it says the memory is full. But I pay for iCloud storage (it's not expensive, 99 cents a month) so that makes NO sense. So really this terribly expensive new phone is no more useful than a brick off the street because neither one would take a photo, track my steps, or send and receive texts. We're going back to the place tomorrow to figure out what's going on. This is ridiculous.

Famous Hat

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