Monday, December 20, 2021

Dandy Panda and Anglican Rosary


Today's post is just answering some questions brought up in previous posts. The two birds outside our window are, according to the Hive Mind, a mated pair of red-tailed hawks. 

Here is a photo of my new Packers hat.

Next is Travalon's new red panda Dandy, with tiny Candy for perspective.

This is a clearer photo of the Anglican rosary.

One suggested prayer was to do the Trisagion ("Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One") on the big beads and the Jesus Prayer ("Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner") on the seven small beads in each grouping. That is shockingly close to what I was sometimes using that odd chaplet I found in the church library ten years ago to pray, until I got a 100-bead chaplet for doing the Jesus Prayer. Anyway, I figured the odd chaplet was just a Sacred Heart chaplet with an unusual configuration.

These are a couple of Christmas trees at my church.

I went there tonight to go to Confession, and that made me feel old and boring. Back in the day, I could always make priests laugh with my wacky sins, but tonight the priest told me I'm just not that bad of a person. Guess I have to try harder.

Famous Hat

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