Friday, December 10, 2021

Four Beatles in a Room


Travalon has been watching the Beatles documentary Get Back, which is compiled from footage of them in the recording studio trying to come up with the songs for the album Let It Be. Travalon is loving it, of course, and I have only been half-watching it while he has it on, but it is fascinating to see such famous songs being born. Early on there's a scene where Paul McCartney comes up with the basic tune of the song "Get Back," and then they are always polishing it, as well as coming up with other well-known songs, or snippets of things that could have been great songs, but they don't do anything with them. Sometimes they just start playing covers of other famous songs. Apparently they had less than a month to come up with a whole album of music, so they were thinking of revisiting things that they had written as teenagers. But they ended up not only coming up with the songs for one album, but you can see them creating some of the songs from Abbey Road as well. There is something about creating something with others - it forges a bond between you. I felt that with the friend of my OTHER choir director who set two of my poems to music, and we didn't even do it together - he got the poems fully-formed and then set them to music. Imagine how it must feel to get together with three other guys (or four, when they had the "Fifth Beatle" Billy Preston join them on keyboard) and just create songs from scratch together. My big takeaway from all this is that Paul is the one I most would have wanted to meet - I always thought it would be George, since he was so spiritual, but Paul just seems like a ton of fun. When he's not playing with his future wife's little daughter, he's suggesting they have a concert somewhere illegal, like the chambers of Parliament. Of course, Sir Paul is still alive, so it's remotely possible that I could still meet him, but would he even be the same crazy guy he was in his mid-twenties? Hopefully!

Famous Hat

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