Tuesday, December 7, 2021

I'm a World Champion!


Not a lot to say today, since the last couple of days have been quiet. It was very cold yesterday, so after work Travalon and I went to the mall. He bought me the tiny unicorn, and I bought myself the stuffed jellyfish, since I had seen it there over the weekend and still wanted it.

Travalon bought himself this Rolling Stones T-shirt.

Did you know that I'm a world champion? It must be true - DuoLingo says so!

And here's why:

What does this mean? I think it means I wasted an awful lot of 2021 trying to learn a language that has very few native speakers, and the ones who do exist are bilingual in my native language. Does this mean it was an unprofitable waste of time? Not at all! I loved learning Romance languages, but their syntax is not that different than the one I am used to. Learning Basque and Irish stretches my imagination, because they are set up so differently that you realize the way English works is not the only, or even necessarily the best, way. For example, in Irish you would say, "A cold is on me," which feels more right than "I have a cold." The stupid cold is on me! I don't want it! But soon it will be off me. Whereas "I have a cold" seems to imply a level of ownership I have never wanted to bestow on a virus.

Famous Hat

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