Thursday, December 9, 2021

Ukuleles at the East Side Club Christmas Party


This evening I drove to the East Side Club for their Christmas party, and right away some people invited me to sit at their table. Travalon arrived not long after that, once he got done with work. Dinner was more like Thanksgiving, with turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and gravy, as well as salad and green beans, and then pumpkin or apple pie for dessert. (Travalon and I both opted for pumpkin.) There were a bunch of ukulele players from Waunakee, which is right up by us, and one was the sister of a woman at our table. When she found out I played, she said I should join them, but unfortunately they practice on Fridays at one. I'm right in the middle of work at that time. There were door prizes that all seemed to be bottles of booze, and we didn't win anything, then past presidents went around handing out Tom and Jerry drinks. After one of those, I was willing to take up one of the ukulele players on her offer to play her uke while she wandered around the crowd, getting people in the spirit. I ended up spending half the evening up on stage with the other ukulele players, and Travalon made a video. We're playing "Roll Out the Lefse," to the tune of "Roll Out the Barrel." I am on the left, in the blue top and red velvet jacket. But that is probably not as entertaining as the Santas doing the polka!

Here is a bonus video: this is the light tunnel at the Country Christmas light display. The jazz music playing in the background is from Travalon's Spotify account, because we couldn't get the radio station playing Christmas music to come in clearly.

It was great to play the ukulele again. I haven't really played with a group since the pandemic started. Our fearless leader had a bad concussion and is out of commission, and I haven't hooked up with any other groups. Most of them seem to be made up of retired people, and they meet at retired people times, like one in the afternoon on Fridays. I miss the big jams on Thursday evenings at the Lakeside Cafe, but who knows if those will ever happen again?

Famous Hat

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