Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Simple Mass for the Immaculate Conception


Last night while I was at Adoration, I could hear the Vigil Mass for the Immaculate Conception going on upstairs. There was lots of organ and singing, so I was imagining that tonight's Mass at St. Patrick's would be even more elaborate, since that's where the choir is based. When I got there, I was stunned to see one other car in the parking lot - had I gotten the time wrong? Inside, they have removed the side pews, so the church looks even starker than usual. A few other people trickled in, and Travalon joined me. The other two Sagittarii who are usually at brunch were a few pews ahead of us. There was no organ, and the priest led the singing of the opening hymn, and that was about it for singing. There was a closing hymn listed, but he didn't start it - he just exited stage left once Mass was done. The simple Mass kind of fit with the stark inside of the church, and it wasn't the worst thing I've ever attended. Travalon appreciated that there was no Latin - no "ipso et calypso," as he says. At the start of the homily, the priest did explain that there was no organist and no cantor because this Mass is usually so lightly attended... "but this year there are more people here than usual," which makes me wonder how many people usually attend - like three, besides the priest and the altar server? No wonder he didn't want an organist and a cantor there - he must have been afraid the people who were "working" at Mass would outnumber the actual congregation!

Famous Hat

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