Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hey NIH Folks! Do I Have a Grant Proposal for YOU!

Toque McToque and I have come up with a study which we would love to have funded. We are hoping this nets us at least several years of salary at a level to which we would like to become accustomed, not to mention travel to numerous exotic locales. It all began when we were discussing how people who burn sage are often a little, well, nutty. (I am not referring to tribes who burn it during sweat lodge rituals but individuals who burn it in their bedrooms.) I was wondering if the sage caused their insanity, or is it simply a handy clinical marker for insanity? Two cases in point: my neighbor who used to need to use my phone at 6 am because the government had bugged her phone; she then suddenly moved to Seattle and left me her plants and her socks. Second case: Toque's neighbor in Vancouver (very close to Seattle - coincidence???) who went up and down the street burning sage, calling the cops, and ratting on her neighbors. The pattern is clear, but the cause-and-effect won't be until someone studies whether sage is the cause of insanity or simply a symptom thereof.

This led us to realize that a large-scale study of this issue needs to be done, preferably by us. (Not so much because of our qualifications but because we thought of it first.) I am hoping a study like this would net us an IgNobel prize, but grandiose dreams aside, at least it would contribute to the literature or, failing that, it would certainly contribute to an upgrade in lifestyle for Toque and me. So if any NIH peeps are reading this, call me. We'll talk.

Famous Hat

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