Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yesterday's Post: Translated from Hondish

People have been asking me if some kid who had English as a 10th language hacked into my blog yesterday. No, and it wasn’t spam either. Here’s the deal: this weekend I took my car Erin Caitlyn O’Honda to the car wash (and fittingly enough, that song is playing on the radio even as I type this), and now she is all clean but her scrapes and dings show up with alarming clarity. First all these people swarmed all over Erin with rags and scrub brushes and vacuums, and then I got to watch her ride the conveyer belt along as she was cleaned by the automatic washer. Since no adults were watching, I squirted her with purple goo using a joy stick with a T Rex-looking creature on it. Then she came out the other end, sparkly clean without and within. And what has that got to do with yesterday’s post? Hold on, I’m working up to that.

So yesterday I asked Erin if she would come pick me up from work, and she said no, but she would write my blog entry for me. I said it was a deal, and so she wrote about what Richard Bonomo, Kathbert, and I did on Sunday afternoon. (She wasn’t actually there; she was hanging out in Rich’s driveway. She just heard about it from me.) Here’s the thing: she wrote some of the words while looking in her rearview mirror. So as a public service, I am now translating it from the original Hondish:

One not-so-warm late March day, Richard Bonomo, Kathbert, and Famous Hat went for a walk in the park. Kathbert wanted to buy a house so they looked at some near where Toque McToque lives, but one was sold and another was a ranch, which is not the style that Kathbert wants. She said she wished the perfect house would just suddenly appear, and Famous Hat joked that maybe one would drive by on a truck and she could follow it. She has even hired Beth, her “house matchmaker” or realtor, as they are more commonly known. Beth has yet to find the house of Kathbert’s dreams, but at least she found the house of Richard’s dreams. It has a bidet!

Richard Bonomo, Kathbert, and Famous Hat looked at a lot by Richard’s house, and Richard noted that Kathbert could build her dream house on it, but there was no sign that it was for sale. Anyway, Kathbert doesn’t particularly want to build her house, she wants to find one. What she needs is a sign like Richard had, so she could walk into a house and see something – say a bidet – and she would know, like Richard did. So what sign should Kathbert be looking for in her future house? Leave a comment and let us know.

Sorry for the confusion.

Famous Hat

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