Friday, March 22, 2013

Torture at Work (i.e., Self-Evaluation)

It’s that time again – time for annual reviews at work. My current boss asks us to fill out a self-evaluation in preparation for this torture, which is at least an improvement over my former boss, who never gave me a chance to say anything on my own behalf. However, I got a little discouraged looking at last year’s form and realizing I didn’t have a lot to say for myself this year. We are judged on things I am very bad at, like organizational skills, interpersonal communication, and initiative. How many ways can I think of to say the same thing in a diplomatic way: “I suck at this particular skill, and I know it, but I’m trying to improve”? Last year I went to a workshop on communication skills, but this year I can’t say anything better than “I’m trying.” And who ever heard of a workshop on improving initiative? If you know of one, let me know, and I’ll put it in my self-improvement plan.

Famous Hat 

1 comment:

Famous Hat said...

From Luxuli: why do you have difficulty w communication at work, but not in ordinary life or when writing your blog ?

The simple answer: Work communication is so much more complicated than freeflowing conversation. And the blog is written - my communication issues are oral.