Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hanging Out with Rodney

Once again I have forgotten to mention something on my blog, which was that Travalon cooked dinner for me on Tuesday evening! Wasn’t that sweet of him? He made Cajun chicken and potatoes, and we also had raw veggies and fruit salad to round out the meal. Then he had the leftovers last night while I had dinner with Richard Bonomo, Prairie Man, and another guy from our church at Noodles before our first choir practice of the season. Tonight is the first Lutheran choir practice, but I will probably not join that choir this year – too much going on with the old condo to get ready for sale and a new husband at home.

Labor Day Travalon and I had brunch at the Coffee Gallery, then he headed off to Randolph to attend the Corn Fest with his high school buddy, while I plotted with Rich and Kathbert to get together for a hike like we hadn’t done in ages. Pre-Travalon, I used to hike with them in the Arboretum on many a Sunday afternoon, and that was our plan this time as well. However, Rodney the Poodle pleaded to come along with me. I hadn’t thought he would want to hang out with his step-mom, but being with me is probably more fun than being alone all day, with just an unfriendly rabbit for company, so I took pity on him and brought him along. Since we couldn’t hike in the Arboretum with a dog, we went to Pheasant Branch and checked out the bubbly springs. We were planning to head up the hill when Rich checked his new smart phone and found that rain was imminent in our immediate vicinity. We hurried back toward the car, but the rain caught us and thoroughly soaked us. I tried to pick up Rodney so I could run with him, but he was having none of it, so we lagged behind the others. Kathbert got to my car first and reached into the open window to unlock the door… which triggered the car alarm. Finally I got to the car with Rodney and turned off the alarm, and we all sat there, soaking wet with the windows steaming up while Rodney grinned – he enjoyed his adventure even if it ended in such a less than ideal manner! Maybe he decided Step-Mom and her pals are some crazy fun to hang out with. Then I was driving home when Luxuli called, so I went to her house. Rodney was shivering violently, so she wrapped him up like a burrito in a purple towel, and I held him on my lap while he slept very hard. Guess we wore the poor old doggy out! He slept as the humans ate a delicious dinner of gazpacho made by Luxuli, veggies and walnut burgers grilled by Rich, potatoes cooked by Prairie Man, and brownies made by me (confession: from a mix). I was concerned that he had really overdone it, but when it was time to head home, he woke right up and was very peppy. We both had an excellent time hanging out together and bonding.

Famous Hat

1 comment:

Travalon said...

Love it that you bonded with him !!