Monday, April 26, 2021

Incredible Shrinking Homework


Today when Travalon and I took a walk before work, we saw a male cardinal.

And down at the dock we saw a male teal.

It was a frustrating day at work for me, because I had to use not one but two new systems (one for paying invoices and one for awarding scholarships), and neither one worked as advertised. But Travalon came home early and we went to my garden plot and weeded, and that was very therapeutic. Then we came home, and I did my homework for the secret club I'm in. This month we were supposed to create art and then shrink it. Remember Shrinky Dinks? It was exactly that. The club provided a template for big and little Wonder Marty the Penguin, who is the club mascot. The other things are my own creations. First are the "before" pictures.

And here they are all shrunk down!

The importance thing is, they glow under blacklight.

I'm not 100% sure what to do with them. The club provided some gadgets to make them keychains or pins, but I always lose keychains, and would I really wear any of these things as a pin? If anyone has any ideas for my incredible shrinking homework, feel free to leave them in the comments.

Famous Hat

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