Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Our Sporty Life


I keep forgetting to mention things on this blog, like I forgot to say that on Friday we went to a fish fry at the Esquire Club with the same neighbor we went with a couple of months ago. At that time Travalon had a pecan brandy old fashioned, and it was so good! I was looking forward to that, but of course this time they were out of the pecan brandy. The waitress said they could make it with apple brandy, and that was also very tasty. We wondered if they would ever get pecan brandy again, or if that was a springtime flavor.

Last night I forgot to mention that we went swimming at our health club, in the outdoor pool. By the time we got there, hardly any kids were left, and soon we were alone in the pool. I really like that pool because it is salt water, so they don't have to use as much chlorine, and it must be a bit heated because it's always the perfect temperature. In the winter we often go to the warm water pool, and that's just a bit warm for swimming laps, but the outdoor one is perfect for swimming around vigorously. 

Tonight there was a beautiful sunset.

After we had enjoyed it, we played tennis for about twenty minutes, until it was getting too dark to see well. At least the ball is bright yellow, so it's easy to see. Travalon thought they should have blacklight tennis, and I could get behind that. The balls should glow under blacklight by nature - I've never tried it, but they're such a bright yellow, they must. Too bad the balls are down in the garage, and the blacklight is up here. I'm too lazy to go down to the garage to answer this burning question tonight - no energy after all that swimming and tennis! At least my FitBit said we swam and "sported."

Famous Hat

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