Monday, August 22, 2022

Photos from Our Evening at Horicon Marsh


Today wasn't terribly exciting. I worked on campus, and then we had a condo board meeting. But that's okay, because I wasn't going to blog about my day - I was going to post photos from yesterday at Horicon Marsh. Most of these photos are from Old Marsh Road. First is an egret flying over the marsh.

Then it landed and stuck its bill in the water.

Here it is posing nicely.

We also saw a flock of wood ducks. Here are a male and a female.

And we saw a great blue heron.

Suddenly we saw four swans fly by! I loved this action shot of one of them.

Their feet seem to be dangling so goofily in this photo.

Here are all four of them flying away from us.

Then two of them circled around and flew back again.

They landed in the water, beside the wood ducks.

And we saw a flock of geese flying overhead in a line.

These look like red-headed ducks.

And these, of course, are mallards.

Here is that same egret, still there when we walked back.

And this is a little sandpiper of some sort.

When we drove the rest of the auto tour, we saw three egrets in the pond near the end.

And one great blue heron was there as well. You can't see its face too well, but you can really see the fringe around its neck.

You can see some of the golden evening color in these photos. I had thought toward the end of the day the birds might be more active, but we didn't really notice a difference. Back in June when we went as a storm was approaching, they were really lively. Yesterday they were much quieter. Are they still around and just not making much noise? Or did they fly further north? For example, we neither saw nor heard yellow-headed blackbirds yesterday, but to be fair I haven't really seen or heard the ubiquitous red-winged blackbirds around our dock lately. Are they being quiet while raising families? Or did they go somewhere else? I guess I could ask the Hive Mind if anyone knows.

Famous Hat

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