Thursday, March 14, 2024

I'm the Goat! (and Possibly the Secretary AND the Treasurer)


Today I was very busy helping grad students do expense reports. One told me I'm the "goat," by which I assume he meant the G.O.A.T., or Greatest of All Time, but I said, "I guess you're right, since I'm a Capricorn." He laughed, so I doubled down: "In the Eastern zodiac, I'm a pig, so either way I'm just a barnyard animal." Then he really lost it. I do sometimes wonder if I could have been a standup comedian. A phlebotomist once told me I was her funniest blood draw all day. That was the time I was wearing a really tropical getup, and when she commented on it, I said, "My people were island people." She gave me a quizzical look, since I clearly can't be out in the sun for more than five minutes, so I said, "England and Ireland are islands," and she lost it. I don't know if my material is that great, so maybe it's my delivery.

After work I had a union meeting. I was thinking not enough people would show up for a quorum so we couldn't have elections, and then it would have been a waste of time but at least I'd get home early. But noooo (to quote John Belushi), at the last minute one more person showed up so we had exactly ten, and then we had elections. I've been the secretary for the union for a while now, but the woman who has been treasurer for twenty years is understandably sick of it, so they nominated me for treasurer. It's not like I don't have experience, having been the treasurer of our condo association for a couple of years now, but this woman always said what a time suck being treasurer is. Worse, nobody wanted to be secretary, which means we don't have one, and people were pointing out that secretary/treasurer is a common position. I most definitely do not want to be both! All the other positions got filled, even trustee, which is actually a sweet deal because you only have to do an audit once a year, but nobody ever suggested that position to me back in the day. I started as a member-at-large, which means you have to attend all the meetings but otherwise have no official duties, and our current members-at-large were perfectly happy with that job and wanted to stay there and not get promoted to secretary. I can't really blame them...

Famous Hat

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