Thursday, March 7, 2024

Talking Florida at Fabiola's


Yesterday was a very busy day at work, and I spent over an hour on a call to a travel agent (half of that on hold), and even missed our weekly staff meeting because of it, but I did have a good lunch break. There was a Just Bach concert, although this time they didn't just do Bach, because they started with a Buxtehude cantata that was glorious. Anyone can watch their concerts, which are all videotaped and put on the Just Bach website.

In the evening I walked down to St. James and tried to get in, but it was locked. I went to Leopold's and had a couple of refreshing non-alcoholic drinks, a lavender French soda and something with pomegranate and sage, while reading a book. It's a book I see all over in the bookstores, with a neon melon-colored cover, something about chemistry lessons but it's a novel. I abruptly stopped reading fiction over a decade ago, but I actually enjoyed the first five or six chapters of this book before Travalon arrived. We went next door to Fabiola's, the new Italian restaurant owned by the same people who own Leopold's, and Cecil Markovitch soon joined us. He wanted to hear all about our trip to the Everglades, since he plans to go there himself in the fall. I have never been there in the fall, but we did tell him the places where we had seen interesting birds and other creatures. (No panthers.) Travalon is convinced that Cecil will see a panther his first day there.

After dinner we went back over to Leopold's to get ice cream drinks. I wanted the special pandan one Tiffy and I had created with a bartender who wasn't there last night, so I described it to the bartender who was there. He started to make it and then said they were out of pandan syrup, what other flavor did I want? The lavender French soda had been so delicious that I thought a lavender ice cream drink might be wonderful, but in fact it was kind of weird. I wouldn't have wasted the calories if the guy had just told me there was no pandan syrup. Cecil had a classic grasshopper and Travalon had a baklava ice cream drink, which he liked a lot.

Here is a photo of the bar at Leopold's.

Today was another busy day. Grad students kept needing help with reimbursements, and there were more travel questions, and I had to create two purchase orders. One was a continuation of one from last year, so the woman I talked to said copy last year's requisition, but this time use the Requisition Wizard because it would make it easier. I used the wizard, but I couldn't figure out how to add two separate lines for leasing and maintenance, so now it's all on one line. Worse, the other requisition I tried to create should have been for $8000 but somehow ended up being for $0. Of what use is a zero-dollar purchase order? I imagine they will be contacting me like crazy tomorrow - "Your requisitions suck! You have to redo them!" - but I'm taking the day off for a tax appointment and then Travalon's mom's funeral. So I won't worry about this until very early on Monday, since it will then be Daylight Saving Time. Yuck!

Famous Hat

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