Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Night Owls Unite Against Daylight Saving Time!


Today I worked on campus, and some doughnuts appeared in the break room, but I refrained. Then my colleague and I went for a walk at lunch, and some guys down on Library Mall were handing out churros and hot chocolate, so we caved. They wanted to encourage people to vote. I did walk up the huge hill, so maybe I burned some of that churro off. Back in the office, I told a coworker that there were doughnuts, and he said, "I know - I brought them. Didn't you see my announcement on Teams?" Ever since Teams updated, I don't get notifications, so no, I hadn't seen his announcement. I also forgot yesterday was his birthday - I ALWAYS forget his birthday, even though it's St. Joseph's Day so you'd think I could remember. So boy, did I feel doubly stupid.

Today I googled "Who decides when Daylight Saving Time starts?" because I am beyond fed up with the way they keep changing the date. It used to go from April to October, so only half the year was in Fake Time, but then it snuck into late March and early November... and this year it started in mid-March and will end in late November. The Powers That Be want to make it year-round because people spend more money when it's lighter in the evening, but I'm tired of them trying to make us non-morning people get up earlier and earlier. I found an email address to rat on municipalities who don't bother with Daylight Saving Time, and I emailed them to stop it already, we see what they're doing. And... it bounced back. When I told my sad story at Night Prayer, Richard Bonomo found the email of an actual person, so I may try again. Or maybe I should write to my congresspeople and say I won't vote for anyone who keeps sneaking more and more of the year into Daylight Saving Time. It's a crime against humanity!

Famous Hat

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