Sunday, March 24, 2024

Not-So-Funday Sunday


This morning Travalon and I didn't really have to do anything, since we had gone to Mass last night. Eventually we did some cleaning, but like yesterday, I was surprised at how hard it was because I had so little energy. We went for a walk at Patrick Marsh, but it was very cold. We saw a lot of gulls and a couple of blue herons.

Travalon suggested we take a walk at East Towne Mall, so we did that too. I did barely get my 10,000 steps today and my 22 (actually 23) active minutes, so not a banner day for exercise. I was so exhausted that I didn't go to the Slow Irish Jam this evening, and I barely dragged myself to band practice, just to be abused by a somewhat new member of the band. Worse, nobody else really stuck up for me. I don't know if everyone was mad that I missed practices for our vacation and also going to Chicago, but after all, I can't spend every Sunday evening in town, and they all take vacations themselves. What the heck.

It was a strange day all around. At JC Penney's we saw a very pretty rosary, but I was shocked when they said it had originally been $750 but had been marked down to $200. Seriously? It looked like it was worth about $35 to me. Who goes to Penney's to buy valuable rosaries? And it wasn't made of semiprecious stones, just sterling silver and glass, with some mother-of-pearl on the crucifix and centerpiece. What on earth made it worth anything like $750? Obviously I didn't buy it.

Stranger still, I opened Google on my phone to look up a basketball player who had an amazing game in the tournament and who graduated from Travalon's high school in 2018. That seemed like a long time ago for someone still in college, so I was trying to find his age. Google of its own accord did a search on the term "demon faces" before I had entered anything for it to search for. It would be strange enough for it to conduct its own searches, but on that particular term? Spooky!

Thanks to Travalon for the title of this blog post.

Famous Hat

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