Saturday, March 23, 2024

Palm Sunday Vigil Mass at Our Church


I didn't blog on Thursday because nothing exciting happened, and I couldn't think of anything creative to say. I did have a meeting that made me miss a move hour, but I got to see my buddies so it seemed like a worthy tradeoff. Maybe we need more words for "friends" in English, like they have in Romance languages, to distinguish people you are fond of from people you are really close to. Then I didn't blog yesterday because it was a quiet day of working from home and then talking to Tiffy.

This morning Travalon and I went to our church and cleaned the pews. I hadn't been in the sanctuary since December, I believe, when it was open for a Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe. (Our big conglomeration of four parishes is now called the Guadalupe Pastorate. There are worse names.) Rich seemed to be spearheading things, and the Single B-Boy was dusting the Stations of the Cross by climbing a very tall ladder, so I was glad I didn't have to do that chore! My distaste for heights must be getting worse the older I get, because in my younger years I practically lived in the choir loft, and today I got the heebie jeebies from being up there. Yikes! It's so high!

On the way home, Travalon and I went to the Tibetan restaurant, which we had to ourselves. In the evening it's fairly packed, but apparently for lunch they do more takeout business. Then we took a walk at Cherokee Marsh. When we got home, I felt very sleepy, so I curled up in bed with the cuddly rosary that glows under blacklight, and I took what I call a "rosary nap," as in I'm sort of praying in my sleep. The rosary sure is cuddly! Not sure why I was so exhausted - it's like an hour of scrubbing pews took it all out of me.

This evening we went to Palm Sunday Mass at our church. It was the first time I've been to a Mass there since July. They do have Mass every Saturday at 8 am, but come on. Rich was there too, and afterwards the three of us went to dinner at a Mideastern restaurant on State Street. At Mass we sang "My Song Is Love Unknown" to a tune I'd never heard, so at Night Prayer I sang it to the tune we always sang it to at the Lutheran church where I used to sing, which is called Rhosymedre. That's one of the main characters in the short story I wrote using hymn tune names for all the characters and places, "Polyhymnia." So it was kind of a nostalgic evening, going to my old church and singing a hymn I haven't sung in years. 

Today Rich sent me a photo of the silly fake aquarium I got him for his birthday.

Look how big the fish got! That is what I thought was supposed to happen, judging by the sample aquarium they had in the shop in Bimini, but it sure took long enough. As a reminder, this is how it looked the day after Rich added the water.

And a bonus photo of a cruise ship in Fort Lauderdale.

Tiffy took that photo. She went to Florida a couple of weeks ago.

Famous Hat

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