Tuesday, March 19, 2024

More Photos of Chicago and the Green River


Happy St. Joseph's Day! Today I worked from home, then I left a bit early for my annual checkup. (Spoiler alert: I'm healthy but fat.) At Adoration I was thinking about "feminine" versus "masculine" religion. The feminine, or liberal, religion used to drive me crazy, the way it says we're all fine the way we are and we should all just love each other, but now I'm starting to pine for that after the masculine, or conservative, religion that says most other people are evil and the enemy. Then it occurred to me - they are two sides of the same coin, avoiding the real battle which is with the evil within ourselves. The liberal religion says there is no evil, which is a terrible thing to say because then you don't fight the evil within yourself, but at least they love the sinners. The conservative religion turns the battle outward and says the evil isn't in me but in those other people. Any religion that makes you hate other people does not come from God. Just sayin'. I'm not sure why the masculine religion feels the need to create outside enemies - you would think the interior battle would be exciting enough for them. It's certainly challenging enough for me.

As promised, here are more photos of downtown Chicago. In some of these, we were upriver from where the dye was, so the water is regular old murky color. I'm sorry that I can't do a better job of telling you what you're looking at; the tour was so interesting, and I retained almost nothing from it.

I hope you enjoyed these photos of Chicago's eclectic architecture and the bright green river.

Famous Hat

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