Friday, March 1, 2024

Latin Music in the Conservatory


Sorry that I didn't blog yesterday. It was a very unremarkable day except for being Leap Day. Last Leap Day, we were at the International Festival, but this one was a work day, so I worked. Today I worked from home, and that was all travel arrangements, one of my least favorite tasks. At least the weather was a little warmer when I took my walks.

In the evening Tiffy went to dinner with a friend, so we didn't talk. I was going to go to a free concert at the Lutheran church where I used to sing, but then I heard there would be a Latin music concert at Olbrich. I thought it would be in the meeting room where they often have live music, but it was actually in the conservatory itself. Look how pretty it is on the outside!

And this is what it's like being inside.

This almost looks like a grinning face.

At first I sat on a bench, and I was reluctant to get up, since I had brought my big purse. Eventually the bench got too uncomfortable, so I got up and found a spot overlooking the band where I could stash my purse next to a wall. I danced and danced, and my FitBit called it a workout, but it said it was a "brisk walk." Guess my moves aren't that smooth... It was very warm in there, so I was glad I'd dressed in layers. When I got too tired and thirsty, I took a walk around the conservatory and found a bartender in a back corner. I got a grapefruit soda and sat on another bench, watching in surprise as the leaves on a lot of the plants seemed to be dancing along with the music. Was there a breeze in there?

It's always the right time for some DuoLingo bragging!

When Travalon and I went to the bakery in Sauk on Wednesday, they had one of those codes you scan and it takes you to a website, labeled, "This will brighten your day." I scanned it with some trepidation, since they are very, very, very far Right (but still make amazing shortbread), and just as I'd suspected, it took me to the video for some country song about how everyone is offended. The singer felt they should have a beer and have it out, and while I'm in favor of people with different views having a discussion over a beer, I don't think they should have a fight. The video was very un-PC, and it made me wonder if this guy would then not be sensitive if someone made fun of him as a straight, white, Christian male who clearly falls into the MAGA category. It continuously amuses me how people who say everyone else is a sensitive snowflake suddenly turn into one themselves when they are insulted. It's like they want the right to insult everyone else, but how dare anyone insult them? And the comments on this video! One actually said, "I'm a racist, and there's nothing wrong with that," and a bunch of people had upvoted it. There was a lot of racist and sexist imagery in this video. I am wondering why we can't just NOT insult each other? Why are people longing for the days of being able to depict minorities as cartoon characters? Why do they find the need to mock women? But I guess if we're mocking everyone, can we mock this country music singer? Or is that somehow not okay?

Famous Hat

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