Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Year of the Dragon Rabbit


I really don't have much to say today. I worked from home and then went to adoration like any Tuesday, and it was rainy and gloomy all day. I did think at adoration about how people are leaving the church in droves, and I can see their point.

Things the church says you have to avoid: crystals, evil eye protectors, astrology, and music with bad words, plus I'm sure a lot of other fun stuff. Sex for pleasure? Seems like it.

Things the church currently seems okay with: unfettered greed, lying, making fun of the handicapped, and all the other sociopathic things that a current presidential candidate does, plus letting women with difficult pregnancies suffer and die.

But something exciting did happen today - my dragon rabbit arrived!

I may have to take another photo of it to show off the designs on the backs of its ears. It is really cuddly, just as cuddly as Duck. It makes sense that expensive stuffed animals (they claim this one is handmade) would be higher quality. This is exactly what my gift card was for: something pricy I wouldn't generally spend my own money on, but perfect for free money. I still have another dragon coming, but they said that one won't ship until May, so stay tuned for photos of that one when it arrives.

Famous Hat

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