Thursday, July 11, 2024

Another Night Prayer Party


Today I worked on campus, and that crazy thing that looks like a cross between a recumbent bicycle and a rocket ship was parked in the nearby bike rack again. After work I walked down to the Union Terrace and met Travalon. We stayed there a while, enjoying the lovely day, then we headed to a party hosted by one of the Night Prayer regulars for another Night Prayer regular who lives on the West Coast, but he and his wife were in town. We were supposed to bring "snacks," so we brought some bags of chips. The Dairyman's Daughter brought cheese curds that were very popular, and other people brought a variety of homemade and boughten treats. The guests of honor brought a pumpkin roll made by the wife's brother. The one thing that was very weird was that Jilly Moose had brought a bowl of homemade Chex Mix, and some guy that we didn't really know came in and dumped his boughten Chex Mix into her bowl. The host said, "I can get you another bowl for that," and he said, "No need, this bowl is big enough," but we all thought that was a really uncouth thing to do.

Half the people at this party knew each other from Night Prayer, and the other half knew each other from a prayer group they were part of in the 70's and 80's, and there was some overlap between the two groups. Before we ate the food, we went around the room and told a little bit about ourselves, and that made perfect sense. Then we said a prayer, and that made sense. Then the guy who dumped his Chex Mix into Jilly Moose's began talking, and I thought he was going to say a few words about the guests of honor, but he just went on and on about how he had been part of that prayer group since its second week of existence, and how he stopped going to some 11 am Mass because they played bongo drums, and on and on and on... First Travalon got sick of it and left the room, then Jilly Moose left the room, then I did, then the Dairyman's Daughter did. We gathered in the kitchen and began attacking the snacks, because why did we want to listen to some guy yak about a prayer group that was going on when we were children? Pretty soon everyone was in the kitchen but that guy, so I don't know if they all got sick of listening to him, or they were hungry, or he finally got a clue and put a sock in it. (I'm highly doubting that last one.) After we ate and chatted a while, we did Night Prayer in person, and some of the other group joined us. I love the rare chances that we get to do it in person. Of course Anna Banana II couldn't join us in person, but she was busy tonight and couldn't have joined us remotely either, so it all worked out. 

Famous Hat

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