Thursday, July 4, 2024

Fourth of July 2024


Yesterday I worked on campus, and at lunch I took a walk at the Allen Centennial Gardens. There were prickly pears in bloom there, as well as petunias, lilies, and a Rose of Sharon.

During my afternoon break, I saw some interesting clouds.

After work I walked down to the Union Terrace to join Travalon, and we had Honey Badger ice cream, cheeseburgers, and corn on the cob while we enjoyed watching the sailboats. Then we went to Bierock to drink tiny beers and hang out there until the fireworks show. I took some photos, but they aren't great. First is the sunset we saw as we waited.

Here are the fireworks.

They were much more impressive in real life. There were even some smiley-face ones, and some spiral ones, and some ones that cried, "Whee!" as they flew into the sky. Afterwards the traffic was crazy, so we just hung out for a while, and a Millennial couple started talking to us. The wife was pretty drunk, and she was telling us how she could get us a cat because she fosters cats. Then she got annoyed with her husband for talking to some other guy. They called an Uber, but they were bickering too much to notice when it arrived - we had to tell them three times that it was there. That was entertaining.

Today Rich came over and looked at the coupler on our boat trailer. Something smashed into it, we assume while the boat was in storage this winter. Rich tried to hammer it out but finally conceded that we would just need to get a new one. Then we went to the co-op to get supplies for the party. It rained on and off, but while it wasn't raining I went for a rosary walk and ended up talking to some neighbors and their dogs. Then I made a sort of dessert, sort of salad for the party that R Van the Terrible was hosting on her fabulous porch: I whipped some cream and then put raspberries and blueberries into it so it was very patriotic-looking. Travalon and I sampled some, and it seemed to taste good too, so we put it in a container he discovered in one of our cabinets. There was a whole set - it must have been a very useful wedding present we completely forgot about.

Rich, Kathbert, Cecil Markovitch, the Single B-Boy, Jilly Moose, the Dairyman's Daughter, the guy who makes fabulous desserts and his son, and another woman who doesn't have a name on this blog were at the party. Rich brought steak, Cecil brought Southwestern corn salad, Jilly Moose brought cucumber sandwiches that I couldn't stop eating, Kathbert brought asparagus, the Single B-Boy brought wine and hummus, the woman without a name on this blog made samosas, the Dairyman's Daughter brought cheese curds so fresh that they squeaked when we bit into them, R Van herself made pulled pork, and the guy who makes fabulous desserts made both a passionfruit curd pie with black raspberries from his garden and butterscotch pudding. With so much delicious food around, I was gratified that my creation was completely eaten. We had some fun making R Van's Alexa play music for us, then everyone broke into small groups all over and had more intimate conversations. We could hear fireworks in the background despite the rain, and as Travalon and I left, we could see the Waunakee display in the distance. One of the most entertaining parts of the party was R Van's German Shepherd Rudy and cat Percy. I certainly got my animal fix today!

Famous Hat

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