Thursday, July 25, 2024

Niko's Posse Poses for the Camera


There isn't too much to say about my day today. I worked on campus, and it was very quiet. Here is a photo of Niko and the gang on my desk.

As Travalon said, "Niko's posse."

I've been thinking about the two parties when it comes to abortion: one wants to outlaw it, and one does not but then makes things easier for expectant mothers, so that abortions go way down when that party is in power. Now imagine it was not abortion but murder of women. I think, as a woman, I would hope that it would be illegal for anyone to murder me, but I'd prefer a situation where my murder was prevented. It's cold comfort to have your death declared illegal after you have already been killed. I am in favor of real world results, and a party that creates a situation where women feel their only option is an abortion is worse than a party that allows abortion but creates a situation where women feel they do have other options. Also, I have deep concerns that women suffering pregnancy-related medical emergencies won't be treated because it could be viewed as an abortion, or that women who have a miscarriage and are already traumatized could end up in prison or even on Death Row because they lost a baby they really wanted. Talk about adding insult to injury! Or more like injury to injury. Interestingly, when male lawmakers have brought up punishing women for having abortions, and women lawmakers have said then let's also punish anyone (usually the man) who forces the woman to have the abortion, the men don't like that addendum. They have no problem with the idea of putting women in prison for having abortions, but perish the thought of the man getting in trouble! Makes you wonder how many of them have mistresses they might accidentally knock up, and they wouldn't care if she ended up in prison, but they sure don't want to go there themselves even if the abortion was their idea. Lots of hypocrites in public office. 

Famous Hat

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