Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Disappointing Concert


Today was a quiet day working from home. I took these neighborhood photos earlier, but they are still relevant today. First, a fuchsia that some neighbors gave me is blooming.

This odd little vehicle even has a Japanese license plate. And when it runs, it is VERY loud, like a super amped two-stroke engine having issues. I don't know what it is.

After work, Travalon took me to Adoration and he went to the University Bookstore (and got more scotcharoo ice cream), then we went to Olbrich Gardens for another concert on the lawn like the one we went to some weeks ago, when Panchromatic Steel played. The performer this time was billed as an African singer-songwriter, and I should have been paying more attention to the second half of that description than the first one. I was all happy, expecting some African drumming, but this was a dude with a guitar. He may have been very black and speaking with an African accent, but his music was the same navel-gazing white boy music you hear at a typical coffeehouse. All that was missing was the espresso machine hissing in the background. At least the lawn was shaded, and there were lots of kids having a good time, and for some reason there are a lot of people really good with hula hoops in this town. We also saw one at the other Olbrich Gardens concert, and one at Steely Dane. The singer-songwriter then said after a few songs that he was taking a break, so we made our escape. Oddly, some woman at the front door said, "Are you heading home?" like she was accusing us of cutting out early. Really? Who cares? And I had an excuse, since I was leading Night Prayer tonight, as I typically do on Tuesdays. We did see a beautiful sunset on the way home.

So now I know - look up a performer online before going to a concert. At least there was no charge for this one. Travalon and I once spent some money on a jazz concert that was just awful. That's the danger with jazz: it could be Count Basie, or it could be Ornette Coleman. You have to know what questions to ask. Sorry - I can't find the post about that concert to link it here so you will just have to imagine me complaining about it.

Famous Hat

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