Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Important Work Meeting on the Union Terrace


Today I worked on campus and walked with my colleague at lunch. I showed her my Year of the Pig necklace and she confirmed that it was the Chinese character for "pig." She said, "Why would you wear this?" so apparently it's not a thing in China to wear your sign in jewelry fashion like it is with Western zodiac signs. I said, "But I am a pig - that girl told me so in Spanish. I should wear this necklace to the health club and wave it in her face: 'Soy cochina! Es verdad!'" Sorry, I am too lazy to figure out how to make the upside-down exclamation points in Spanish. Why? Because I'm a pig!

Usually we have our staff meetings on Wednesday at ten in a meeting room overlooking the lake, but today we met at 3:30 on the Union Terrace. The chair bought a pitcher of beer, even though she didn't partake of any, and we sat around chatting about not much work-related stuff. Travalon joined us and had some beer too. The chair was a little weirded out that some deans were sitting at a nearby table and only drinking water and lemonade at their outdoor meeting, like they would judge us or something. It's not like we constantly drink alcohol on work time, and I really don't think the deans were paying any attention to us. It was a beautiful day, a bit cooler than it has been lately, so Travalon and I hung out some more after all my coworkers left. We had cheeseburgers and corn on the cob, then we headed home and played some tennis, but we were terrible. Maybe it's partly because the balls are so bounceless, but we did find one that made that satisfying "ponk!" sound when you hit it. We sat on the dock for a little bit after tennis, then I joined a meeting of the "secret" club I'm in to discuss chasing your dreams. I don't think I'll chase the dream I once had, of being a man who was making $21 bills with my face on them, and when the police hauled me away, I asked, "How did you catch me?" 

During Night Prayer, Rich was very tired, and when I asked why during our chat afterwards, he said, "I picked up a virus," so I said, "How did you do that? Did you buy it a drink?" He also asked when exactly people started using the term "merch" for merchandise, so I said, "October 23, 2011 at 5:34 in the evening." I guess I've been in a jocular mood all day, ever since confusing not one but two coworkers by pointing at the ceiling and saying, "This isn't the best ceiling I've ever seen, but it's up there." Of course, as my readers may remember, my own office ceiling is so scary that it has been known to suddenly develop an ominous crack as I sat below it. But that's just par for the course for the Killer Building.

Famous Hat

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