Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Travalon and the Tattoo Lounge


Today was a quiet day; I worked from home and walked by myself, since my neighbor has moved. I did see these pretty hydrangeas in the neighborhood.

And this very red salvia.

When Travalon came home from work, I was just popping out for my afternoon walk. When I came back, our most obnoxious neighbor was peering into his car, but she stopped when she saw me. I feel like she was looking for something to report to the board, but I'm one-third of the board, and anyway, what could he have in his car that is breaking the bylaws? She's deeply weird. When she complained to the board president about her next-door neighbor having his garage door open all the time, the president replied that she had hers open at least as often. She said, "But I need to have mine open so my dog can go in and out!" and the president reminded her that the dog was supposed to be on a leash. He never is (he wasn't today), but right after that she did put a leash on him... and let him run free with it dragging behind him. After all, the bylaws just said the dog needs to be on a leash, not that anyone actually needs to be holding the other end. When she had three boats at the pier, renting other people's boat slips, the president asked to see the ownership documents for all three boats. Did she ever throw a fuss!... and then she had one boat at the pier. And I'm sure I blogged about how she once dumped all her empty beer cans in our recycling bin. She's a winner, that's for sure.

Travalon was concerned about the weather forecast, and he didn't want me caught in a terrible storm in my little car, so he drove me to adoration and then went to a bar. He wanted to go to something called the Blue Velvet Lounge, thinking that sounded like the name of a dive bar, but it was a tattoo parlor. I don't know why that struck me as so funny, but I laughed for five minutes straight. I joked about how he was going to go in there and ask for a seven and seven, since that's his favorite drink, and he'd come out with a tattoo that said "7&7." Now I really want to get him a temporary tattoo that says that. I said a lot of tattoo parlors are now styling themselves as "lounges," and he said, "I need to get with the twenty-first century."

This was the sky when I came out of adoration - no storm.

Then we did something inadvisable and went to the Chocolate Shoppe on our way home to get matcha green tea ice cream. As if that wasn't bad enough, we got them in waffle bowls edged with chocolate. So good! Now I REALLY have to stop eating sugar.

Famous Hat

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