Monday, July 15, 2024

Double Rainbow in an Orange Sky


I realize that I never blogged about Friday. I worked from home, and the big excitement was that I saw the green heron on our dock, so I respectfully kept my distance. It was a waste of time, however, because our most obnoxious neighbor charged out onto the dock and scared it away. Then Travalon and I went swimming before I talked to Tiffy.

Today I worked from home, then after work Travalon and I went right away to go swimming so we could miss the bad weather. We got home well before it, and we were cleaning when Travalon asked if the orange sky meant a tornado was coming. I said, "No, that's a green sky, but wow, is it orange out there!" I kind of wanted to go out to see the sunset, but it was still raining with some lightning, so I stayed inside. Was I jealous of our neighbors who have windows facing west! But then Jilly Moose sent me some photos of it! And my colleague sent this amazing photo, which really makes me wish I'd ventured outside:

Wow, is that beautiful!! A double rainbow in the orange sky! And here are Jilly Moose's photos:

I took some photos out the window, but they really can't compete with these.

In other photos, my black calla lily now has three blooms and two buds.

My socks from Eau Claire don't glow under blacklight as much as I'd thought they would.

And here are some photos Travalon took with his good camera of our walk on the Pheasant Branch Path yesterday.

Everything is so green with all this rain! The next few photos are from our walk on Governor's Island: Maple Bluff, the Capitol Building, and the Killer Building where I work, when I don't work from home.

There aren't any storms in the forecast for the rest of this week. We'll see... We're supposed to go to a Mallards game on Friday, so I'm thinking one might blow up then.

Famous Hat

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