Monday, July 8, 2024

Mill Bluff State Park and the Sauk Dam


Saturday night after I blogged, we went down to the pool, and it was full of drunk twenty-somethings. A girl and a boy who looked way too young for Adult Swim were about to go in, but I told them you have to be over eighteen to swim after ten, so they left, disappointed. We swam for twenty minutes in the not too warm pool, and by then enough people had left the hot tub so we could go into it. It had really fun lights that were white, then red, then blue, then green. As I left, I saw the kids who wanted to swim, so I said the drunk people were gone so they could probably sneak in, and then my card didn't work to get back into our room, so the guy at the front desk had to make new ones... which meant Travalon's wouldn't work anymore, and then I couldn't find him. I took a quick shower, and fortunately I was done by the time he returned, so I could let him in.

The next morning I saw the kids again and asked if they had gone swimming, and they said they did get to, earlier in the morning. Then Travalon and I got coffee and went to Sacred Heart of Jesus church, which my readers may remember that I had seen many years earlier and had always wanted to go to, and we have gone a few times since then. They have an organ, but for some reason yesterday they were playing the piano to accompany hymns, which weren't the hymns listed on the hymn board... except for the closing hymn, just to make it confusing. I couldn't understand the cantor when she announced the hymn numbers, and neither could the people around us, which is a real shame because the offertory hymn was the most beautiful minor-key melody which I'd never heard before, and now I'll never know what it was.

Not long after that, Travalon's favorite shop in Eau Claire, Truckers Union, opened. It's a really hippie place. I got some socks.

And a shirt.

I also got some jewelry. I thought, "If they have a ring with the om symbol, I'm getting it!" and they did, in my size. The other ring is a mood ring I got at the Irish shop in Dubuque (I think?), but I don't think I'd ever posted a photo of it on the blog.

And the necklace on the left is the symbol for Year of the Pig. The bracelet I got at a shop called Karma in Black River Falls on this trip, and the Infant of Prague necklace I got at a stand outside the International Festival.

We also got these stuffed animals on this trip. I call the crawfish Delilah.

And I got these two rosaries at the antiques shop not called Karma in Black River Falls.

We had lunch at a Mexican restaurant, then we drove to Mill Bluff State Park and took a hike around Mill Bluff. We cooled off afterwards in the pond. Here are some photos that Travalon took.

We stopped in Mauston and saw some purple flowers called pickerelweed and lovely St. Patrick's church.

Along Highway 12, we saw some more bluffs.

Near Sauk we saw these clouds that looked like columns of smoke.

At the Sauk Dam, the water was rushing through like crazy.

There were a lot of pelicans there.

You can see how high the river is.

Here is the dam again.

There was a great blue heron hanging out near the pelicans.

And cedar waxwings kept landing in the tree right in front of us.

Paddlefish alert! Paddlefish alert!

I didn't make it to either Irish or band practice because we got home at 8:30 last night, and then I was too tired to blog. So I'm blogging early this evening before I get too tired again.

One funny thing about the party at R Van the Terrible's house, when we were playing with Alexa, she asked Alexa to play her "favorites" playlist. The first song that came on was "Baby Shark," an annoying ear worm beloved by the under-five set. She said, "That's not right! My grandchildren were over last weekend - they must have messed it up. Alexa, skip!" and the next song was, "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round." We were all laughing so hard! Of course, I have messed Travalon's Spotify favorites playlist up myself with The Game, so I'm no better than these preschoolers.

Famous Hat

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