Thursday, July 18, 2024

Famous Hat the Lousy Conversationalist (per AI)


Yesterday after work, Travalon and I hung out on the Union Terrace for a little bit, then we headed to Home Depot to find a new fridge. Ours was on the fritz a few months ago, but Travalon did something that fixed it, and the temperature went down inside of it until about a week ago, when it started getting too high again. We found a fridge the same size and brand as our old fridge for a reasonable price, but they can't deliver it until next Friday. Of course, now that we have already paid for a new fridge, it's like the old one knows and it's trying to come back to life. The temperature inside has dropped... but not, as Travalon pointed out, enough for safe levels of food storage. He should know - he's a cook at work. I thought maybe this was the same principle as how my hair looks ratty for weeks until I schedule an appointment to get it cut, and then it looks like a shampoo commercial until the appointment. It might have something to do with swimming, because I remember a coworker at my last job coming into my office after I'd been swimming the night before, and that is literally what she said: "Wow, your hair! It looks like a shampoo commercial!" However, the hairdresser told me that the chlorine is damaging my hair, and that I need to use clarifying shampoo, so there goes my fabulous post-swimming hair. Travalon did pick up some clarifying shampoo for me earlier this week, and I used it when we went swimming. Indeed, my hair just looked normal the next day, not fabulous.

Now is the time on this blog when we do some DuoLingo bragging.

I do Super DuoLingo, which has a modest annual fee. Now there's something called DuoLingo Max, which I assume costs a lot more, where you can do role-playing. Earlier this week they let me try it at no additional cost for three days, so I did a lot of role-playing. I'm assuming it's artificial intelligence, and the thing that really got me is that after each conversation, it critiques everything you say, but it was less "You didn't match the gender of the noun and the adjective" and more "You should really have said something like ------ to build on what Lily said." So it was less critiquing my French grammar than my entire mode of conversing. Nothing like having AI telling you you're humaning all wrong. Of course I went back into Irish mode to see if Role Playing was there, but no, it's still just grammar exercises. It doesn't even have the fun stories that French has if you aren't paying for AI to insult your conversational skills. I am not sure if I should take what AI thinks of my conversation under advisement, but perhaps I am too random and that is what has always bothered other people about me. Something to ponder, anyway. People tend not to send you critiques of your conversations with them, so maybe AI has done me a favor.

Famous Hat

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