Tuesday, July 9, 2024

More Photos from Our Dinner Train Ride


Yesterday after I wrote, Travalon and I met Hardingfele at the Tip Top Tavern to get some dinner before the klezmer show at the North Side Cabaret. Unfortunately they were very busy, but it was pleasant sitting outside in the shade and chatting. The show was already in progress when we got there; it was a Ukrainian band doing a fundraiser for hospitals in Ukraine. The singer was a short, dark guy who was half gypsy and half Jewish, while the drummer looked like he was seven feet tall. There were also a trumpeter, a trombonist, a clarinetist, and an accordion player, and they were all fabulous. I love klezmer music, because it's upbeat, syncopated, and almost always minor key. Here's a photo.

I saw other people doing dance steps like I've seen in movies, and I just started doing them myself. It felt as natural as if I'd been to a hundred bar mitzvahs. Even Travalon danced a little. What a party!

Today I worked from home, and I saw crane footprints in the neighborhood. The pair with two babies still has both, but now they are teenagers. I saw them while walking.

And here are more photos, as I promised. The first is the duck Travalon bought in Tomah.

Here's a closeup of the motto on my "Psychedelic State" T-shirt.

Here are some photos from our trip. This is my cell phone's version of the river that we saw from the train.

The mist on the hills looked like Alaska or Ireland.

Here is a short movie of Travalon on the train as the whistle blows.

Here are more photos from the train ride. Of course Blogspot loaded these in the opposite order that I requested.

Travalon took these photos of the club cars with his cell phone.

Tomorrow: photos of fireworks. Plus whatever tomorrow may bring.

Famous Hat

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