Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Evil Firefighters


Today I worked from home, then Travalon took me to Adoration, and he went to the vintage clothing store on State Street. He loved this T-shirt of Tom and Jerry in Badger clothes, but it wasn't for sale.

And look at this! It's Bucky's girlfriend from the 70's, Becky Badger!

Yesterday I saw a very disturbing video where a young black guy said an old white guy who was celebrating his 89th birthday told him that he had been a firefighter, and when they went to a fire and found out the people trapped inside were black, they wouldn't bother saving them. I don't know why this shocked me so much; we all know that cops will shoot black people for little to no reason, so why would other first responders care about them any more than that? Somehow I always assumed firefighters were noble people who tried to save everyone. This got me thinking about how many stories I've heard of multiple people, often children, dying in house fires, and they always seem to be black or Hispanic. I just assumed that they were poor and their houses weren't up to code; it never occurred to me that they were dying because the firefighters (who will save the pets of white people) just refused to try to save them. There were tons of comments on this video, and a lot of them were stories where black people saw the firefighters refusing to go into their neighbors' houses to save them. Imagine deciding to let children die because they're the wrong color! I once wished I knew everything God knows, and He said, "No, you don't. I know a lot of bad things." I thought, oh I already know about child sex trafficking and things like that, but wow, humans continue to amaze me with how evil they can be.

Famous Hat

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