Monday, March 9, 2020

Olbrich Flower Show and a Singing Dog

I hope that my readers had a good weekend. Travalon and I had a quiet Friday evening, staying in and doing a Stations of the Cross for Couples. Saturday morning he and I went to Olbrich, where members could go to a spring flower show early. We also enjoyed free coffee, live music, the conservatory, and an orchid sale. Since I gave up buying plants for Lent, Travalon bought me one. Then we met Jilly Moose and OK Cap at Crema CafĂ© for brunch, and then the ladies went to Olbrich while Travalon and I went to the antique store. He found a book about baseball history, even signed by a Cubs pitcher from the 20’s, so I bought it for him since he gave up buying books for Lent. We collected Michaela the Pomeranian and headed to Sauk, where we took a walk at the VFW Park, then we went to the boat launch where you can see the big island (apparently called Sunset Island by locals), and we walked around a collection of condos nearby. We saw a couple of ice fishers set out on an ATV across the ice, and they didn’t fall in, so I walked out on the ice toward Sunset Island. However, just a few steps in my foot sank into the ice, so I turned back. How can the ice support an all-terrain vehicle but not my weight? I guess I really must need to lose a few pounds! Then we drove to where the Merrimac Ferry was docked, and the cover was off of it and two guys were working on it. The water was open in that part of the river, so maybe it will be running soon. We went to Wollersheim, but they were having an open house and it was crazy, so we didn't stay long. Back in town, we went to the Chinese restaurant on State Street for dinner, and then I bought a pretty rock at the crystal store. We went to bed early in anticipation of the horrors of Daylight Saving Time.

Yesterday morning just as dawn was breaking I heard a feminine voice humming some snippets of a tune I didn’t recognize in our bedroom. I was puzzled and sat up to look, and then Michaela – who had been humming – saw that I was awake and was all, “Great! Now you can take me out for a walk!” It was sort of surreal to be awakened by a dog singing, but Travalon says Rodney used to hum like that too, although I don’t remember it. Then at Mass, during the Offertory piece I was looking at a stained-glass window with the Hand of God coming down from the sky, and I thought, “God doesn’t have a simian hand, but He does act in the world,” and suddenly I was crying from… awe? Not sure what to call it. Fortunately none of the other choir members noticed, because what would I have said if they asked if anything was wrong? “No, everything is so right, and that’s why I’m crying!” I told Travalon on the ride home that I felt like my Third Eye suddenly had very clear vision to go with the clear vision my physical eyes have from the golden milk, so is it that? Was it from playing with my new rock, which is a selenite crystal that supposedly unblocks your Third Eye? (Which I didn't know until after the feeling hit, and then I googled it.) Since that thinking isn’t too Catholic, even for the World’s Worst Catholic, then I prayed a lot, but the clear vision remained. Travalon and I took Michaela and went to a section of the Ice Age Trail, but it was too icy to hike, so we went to Gibralter Rock, but it was also too icy. Just when we were thinking that Michaela must think we were pretty lame, and we might lose our status as Most Fun Auntie and Uncle, I remembered the path to Paradise Island. It turned out we were right by there, and the path was not a letdown. It was such a gorgeous day. Then we had a quick drink outside at Wollersheim, tried to go to Fish Lake – but it was still inaccessible – and drove to a river access point near Mazomanie from which we should have been able to see an island. The road ended and we had to walk on a very muddy road on state land. Suddenly two guys who looked like extras from Duck Dynasty pulled up alongside us on an ATV towing a cart and demanded to know what we were doing there. “This is a private easement,” they said, so Travalon, Michaela, and I turned around, although by then we were probably almost to the river. I said I thought they were lying, and sure enough, when we checked the sign, it said it was public land AND that ATVs were not allowed. How do you like that? They accused us of being in the wrong when we weren’t and they were! But I wasn’t about to argue with people who looked like they probably had guns on their person. Travalon and I went home and got to bed at a reasonable time, but this morning still came way too early. No singing from Michaela – she was just as stunned as we were. “Isn’t it only 5 am?” Yes, but we have to pretend.

Famous Hat

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