Thursday, December 17, 2020

Christmas-Themed Thirsty Thursday


This morning Travalon and I took the garbage out, then we went for a walk. I had found my gardening hat in the garage, so I was carrying it, and then it occurred to me that I could just wear it over the other two hats I was already wearing. Travalon took a picture.

I'd say this photo makes me look old, but really it makes me look middle-aged, and I am middle-aged, so where's the problem? 

Back in the house, I noticed the face on my little stuffed Christmas tree was easier to see as it lay on my bed than it was in the first picture I posted of it.

On my lunchtime walk, I noticed some of the roofs in our neighborhood have a zigzag pattern in the snow:

I think it's from Christmas lights, but I'm not 100% sure. Then the neighbor I always walk with held a Thirsty Thursday in front of her garage, with homemade cookies and homemade eggnog. Yum!

Here is a picture of the spread without people in the way.

And here is the picture Travalon took with his cell phone.

Here is our neighbor Tiller, who was at the party but looked like he would rather be somewhere else.

My St. Nicholas Day present arrived today. Travalon had already given me a T-shirt because this hadn't come yet, so I thought he was going to give this to me for Christmas, but he just gave it to me today. It's a little doll of Notorious B.I.G.

I also got my mystery box today. The "secret" club I'm in had a Box of Random Awesomeness exchange, where you were supposed to take the smallest flat rate box, stuff it with random things around your house, and mail it to the person whose address you got. We put ours in the mail Tuesday, and then mine arrived today... and it was in a much larger box and was full of stuff that it looked like the person had just purchased. Way to totally not follow instructions! Unless this person has a lot of brand-new stuff she doesn't want sitting around her house...

Famous Hat

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