Monday, December 7, 2020

Train! Christmas Tree! Yay!!


Today I was such a dork. I get excited about such little things. At lunch my neighbor and I tried walking faster, and then we heard the train, so we ran across the street to see it go by.

Here is the result of our walk - we burned seven calories per minute, even averaging in the time we took to watch the train! My workouts always have a line at eight calories per minute, so I had hoped we would cross that threshold, but as you can see, FitBit just raised the bar to ten calories per minute.

It was even more intense than our walk with the yoga teacher back in August! Of course, that had a big gap where we stopped to pet a dog before we ran into her, but even so, it didn't go above eight calories per minute, and the whole walk only averaged six calories per minute.

Travalon had to go down to Stoughton for Door Dash, so he took a walk at a park there. (They have already planted a tree for him on his Mount Fuji Challenge!) Check out these geese! They look just like the ones we saw on Saturday in McFarland.

And of course there were Canada geese there as well.

And some sort of dam...? I have never been to this park myself.

Lots of fun stuff in the mail today: our Turkey Trot packages arrived with our shirts and neck warmers and coupons for a free pumpkin pie, and Travalon got another Negro League baseball T-shirt, and look what he got from Sinclair! A postcard with Dino stickers on it! He has no idea why. They must just know somehow that he is Dino's biggest fan.

Then after work I was an even bigger dork, and Travalon proved once again that he is the World's Best Husband. I wanted to try to get a better look at the Christmas tree across the lake, figuring we might be able to see it from Governor Nelson State Park, where we went swimming in the summer. So we drove there and walked out into the growing darkness, to the little spit of land that sticks out into the lake. To the left you could see the Christmas tree!!! I was so excited!! Travalon had brought his good camera, but it was hard to get a really good photo.

When we looked to the right, we saw a breathtaking view of downtown Madison. The lake was like glass, it was so still, and it wasn't too cold out, so it was kind of a magical night.

The magic was gone when we went to the Latin Mass tonight for the Vigil of Immaculate Conception. Tons of people weren't wearing masks, and I find it ironic that going to church is the thing that makes me hate humanity more than anything else I do. Then on Night Prayer the person who drives me crazy on a regular day was even worse than usual, wearing a "Trump 2020" mask. Seriously, if you refuse to accept the results of the election, at least have the decency to admit you no longer believe in democracy or anything that this country stands for. We do prayer intentions after Night Prayer gets over, and he always go on and on in his excruciatingly annoying voice about the election going "God's way," but today I just muted the sound so I didn't have to hear him. Tomorrow I'm supposed to lead Night Prayer, and I don't know how I'm going to get through it without telling him to f--k off once and for all. Ugh! I asked God to help me love those I hate, but overexposure doesn't seem to be working for that problem.

Famous Hat

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