Monday, December 14, 2020

Mount Fuji Challenge Medal!


Sorry that I didn't blog yesterday. Somehow the day got away from me, because of course in the morning we went to Mass and brunch, then I got some presents for my coworkers on State Street, then we ended up going to Cabella's and buying a bunch of stuff there. Once we finally got home, I walked with my neighbor as fast as I could up and down the plowed street, since there was still a lot of ice in the parking lots, and then I had Irish. After that I watched the rest of that wonderful Packers game, and then I had to go back and watch the first two quarters that I had missed during walking and Irish. By then it was time for Night Prayer, so anyway I never blogged.

Today my Mount Fuji Challenge medal arrived!! Isn't it beautiful?

Our church was still decorated beautifully from the festivities for Our Lady of Guadalupe.

The Greek restaurant across from the place where we always go to brunch has a giant inflatable snowman sticking out of the upstairs garden.

And today I finally opened the bag of rosaries from our trip to Marytown back in the beginning of October. These are the rosaries I got at the twin antiques shops in Bristol. Notice that the rosary second from the right doesn't have the starting beads, which I hadn't realized when I found it. How odd, but the crucifix doesn't seem to match the rest of it, so I wonder if they fell off and someone just put a random crucifix on it? I prayed with that one yesterday and the one on the far left today. I prayed with the two bracelet rosaries back when the weather was still warm, walking outside on my lunch break. 

The rosary on the left in this photo is the one our organist gave me, and it glows in the dark. The one on the right does too. That one and the beautiful crystal one in the center are from the antiques shop in Richmond, Illinois.

Today right after work, Travalon drove me to church and I went to confession. Originally I thought I had Basque class right after work, but duh, of course Pacific time is two hours behind us, not two hours ahead, so my class will be 8:30-10:30 at night. As if I won't be confused enough having just spent an hour yesterday trying to speak Irish, now I'll be learning Basque late at night! We'll see if I remember anything...

Famous Hat

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