Thursday, December 10, 2020

Silly Task Fail


The "secret" club I'm in has a silly task for us to do every month (my readers may remember when I had to do a household chore in costume), and this month it was to hide a funny drawing somewhere unexpected. I drew this picture and hid it in the fridge for Travalon to find:

I knew Travalon went into the fridge, but he never said anything. I was in a Zoom meeting, so when I got done, I asked him to get something out of the fridge, but he still didn't react, so I went to the fridge... and my silly drawing was gone! I asked if he had seen it, and he had just stuck it in a drawer and not said anything to me. Now he has stuck it on the outside of the fridge.

Then we went out and took some pictures of Christmas lights across the river.

I needed some cheer, because seventeen other states want to throw away my vote. Why should other states have a say in how our state runs its elections? I thought these were people who believed in states' rights...? If they succeed, I will have to find another place to live that actually is a democracy! It's not a democracy if your vote doesn't count just because you didn't vote for the guy someone else wanted to win!

Famous Hat

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