Sunday, June 25, 2023

Eucharistic Miracle in Travalon's Ancestral Hometown


This morning I didn't wake up until it would have been time to leave for Mass downtown, and Travalon slept even later, so we missed the last English language Mass at our church for the foreseeable future. Next week Mass will be at the same time, but it will be bilingual. We went to the church near our house with the later Mass, but we found out their new Mass time next week will be 9 am! So if we have to get up anyway, we might as well go to our church, even if it's further away. There was a reception after Mass for the priest who will be leaving for another parish, and we were the only ones who sat outside and then realized we were locked out, but fortunately someone let us back in. There was also a Eucharistic Miracle exhibit at that church. Travalon was amazed to find out there was a Eucharistic miracle of wine turning into blood in the village his grandparents are from. He took some photos of the exhibit.

They have a festival every September in honor of this miracle, so some year we'll have to go for that. Oddly, there were no miracles in this country. Some countries had quite a few. 

I took this photo of the flowers outside of that church because I liked the colors so much.

Richard Bonomo had been keeping the plants from our dock at his house all winter, and he brought them over today to put back on the dock, but one had died. It's hard to keep outdoor plants alive inside all winter. Kathbert came with him, and then the four of us took a walk on Governor's Island and another one at the bluff near our house. Travalon took a couple of photos of the bluff.

When we came back, Kathbert was looking at the plants outside of our building, and I took this photo of a sundrop.

I had Irish class for the first time in forever, since our Irish teacher and (it seems) all my classmates were over in Ireland becoming more fluent, while I was sitting here doing French on DuoLingo. Still, to my surprise, I understood a lot of what they were saying, even if I couldn't say much myself. I kept fearing I'd open my mouth and French would pop out. When I said (in Irish) that French is easier, they disagreed.

After my class, Travalon and I took a walk at Jackson's Landing, and he took a photo of me on the bridge so I'd have something to put on the blog.

You may be wondering why I wasn't wearing Niko when he would go so well with the heart on my shirt. It was very windy today, so I was wearing Niko earlier, but he was blowing around my neck, and I was afraid he would strangle me. Also, Kathbert found him very freaky. I think he is so cute, but I guess I can see how a one-eyed heart is maybe a little freaky. Guess I better never wear my eyeball earrings and eyeball bracelet around her.

After our walk, we went to Bellitalia to get pizza. In all the years I have been going to this restaurant, I never noticed that there is outdoor seating on a little porch along the side. It's wonderful! We will definitely have to go back before the outdoor dining season ends.

Famous Hat

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