Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Photos of Kohler-Andrae and Sheboygan


Today I took the day off of work, since I had originally thought my band would play several times for Make Music Madison. We are only playing this afternoon at 4:20 (dude!), so I have spent my day straightening up the house, sorting paperwork, watering plants, and now blogging. I did take a walk at Governor's Island again, and this time I ate some mulberries. There are quite a few mulberry trees on the island. Warner Bay really stinks right now - we desperately need some rain to wash away all that blue-green algae. There is no rain in the forecast... sigh.

Here are some photos from Travalon's weekend. I think these are all from Sunday, when he went to Kohler-Andrae State Park and Sheboygan. Here are some photos of the beautiful sand dunes at Kohler-Andrae.

These must be photos of the marina in Sheboygan.

I love this little sandpiper. The birding people tell me it's a dunlin.

The water is so clear, especially compared to our much smaller lakes.

Wild roses growing on the beach.

It might be a while before I can post about how our gig goes this afternoon. Tonight we are going to hear the Doobie Brothers, tomorrow we are going to a Forward soccer game, and I'm not sure if I'll have time to blog on Friday night before my usual chat with Tiffy. We'll see.

Famous Hat

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