Thursday, June 8, 2023

Strangely Satisfying Day


I forgot to mention that last night Travalon and I played tennis, and my FitBit said we did seventeen minutes of "sport." The cranes, who usually don't stay in one place very long, stood there the whole time we played and watched us. I'd rather have modern dinosaurs watching us than actual humans, since I don't know what goes through their crane brains, but they probably aren't thinking about how much we suck. Even after Travalon lobbed the ball at the fence and missed so it went sailing over, which we took as our cue to pack it up for the night, the cranes continues to stand there, fascinated. I can't tell if they love tennis or are just so puzzled by it that they are trying to figure it out. Sometimes the neighbor I walk with and I will do sideways stepping, and that always gets the cranes' attention too. "Hey, wait a minute - humans aren't supposed to move like that!"

Speaking of the modern dinosaurs all around us in the avian realm, Squeaky the Hummingbird was really hitting the sauce tonight, and then I noticed that she seemed really fat. Sometimes Travalon calls her Squishy (she doesn't answer to either name), and I thought she actually is getting squishy. Was I feeding her so much that she was going to get too fat to fly? But then it occurred to me that maybe she is temporarily plump because she's full of eggs. That's an exciting thought! She does seem to have a nest nearby. One thing this world could use is more hummingbirds, even bossy ones like Squeaky.

Today I had to be on campus because I was the only staff person onsite, and our chair was hosting an all-day meeting. Panera was supposed to deliver breakfast at 8:30, so the chair and I were rushing to get there before that, but we both got stuck in traffic and were a couple of minutes late. But guess what? The Panera delivery person got stuck in the same traffic, so she got there at the same time. The chair had asked me to order for ten and then gave me an attendance list with twelve names, so I was sure there would be no leftovers, but she went and picked up half a dozen more pastries. For lunch they had a buffet from Banzo for ten, and there were plenty of leftovers from that too. I ate way too much and haven't eaten dinner yet, and it's now 10:10 pm. 

I have been helping Religious Studies out, and I had ordered some books from Amazon for a professor, so Amazon sent me an email that they had been delivered "to the mailroom." I didn't know which mailroom they meant (I think this was on Tuesday), but I emailed the professor, and she said it was the mailroom of the big building next door to her building. I emailed Hardingfele, who works in the big building, so she went to look for them, but in the interim someone had retrieved them for the professor, so Hardingfele didn't find them. I emailed her "nvr mnd" because the professor had the books, and I didn't think anything more about it until Hardingfele emailed me today that there was another package for this professor in her building's mailroom. She rescued it just in time, because the professor's room number in her own building is the same as Kinesthesiology (why does spellcheck not recognize this word??) in Hardingfele's building, so the student hourlies were about to take the package to Kinesthesiology. I went to Hardingfele's office, and we walked the book safely over to the professor's mailbox. Not all heroes wear capes! Sometimes we wear khakis.

I forgot to mention the mock oranges and these flowers in yesterday's post about the wave of fragrant trees:

My phone says it is a basswood tree. It smells so good!

Famous Hat

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