Thursday, June 15, 2023

Rodrigo y Gabriela


Yesterday I had to take the bus to work for the first time since the new system started on Sunday. The transfer point where I always used to park is closed now, but there is a sign for a park and ride a little closer to my house, so I decided to go there and take the B bus, which is supposed to go straight to campus. (When I asked the website how to get to work, it said walk a mile, catch a bus, walk another mile, catch another bus, and get there an hour after leaving your house. No thanks!) The bus was supposed to come to that stop every fifteen minutes, and I got there in time to catch the one at 7:45. It came right on time... and then just sat there until 8:00. Okay, fine, at least that one was supposed to get me to campus by 8:20, but this new route goes down East Washington, which is all torn up, so it was ten minutes late. Then it dumped me off blocks away from work, so I had to dash across the street just as the light was changing to catch another bus that got me a little closer. After all that, I was still only about ten minutes late. I had said I might be in any time between 8 and 9, but the only one there was my young coworker who is kind of into New Age stuff, so I decided to wear my full-on fortune teller getup for her today.

I thought I'd have to take the bus home too, but Travalon ended up being able to pick me up. Later that evening we headed downtown to see Rodrigo y Gabriela, a duo who play what I would describe as heavy metal flamenco. The show supposedly started at 8:00, but there was an opening act, a guy with a really good voice who wrote terrible songs. He was on for half an hour, then for another half an hour nothing happened, and just as we were starting to get fed up, Rodrigo y Gabriela finally took the stage. And you know what? They were totally worth the wait.

Here is my fortune teller outfit.

I wore it to the concert last night, and I wore it to work today, thinking it would be just me and my New Age coworker and maybe one other coworker. It might be hard to tell in this photo, but I'm wearing Buddhist prayer beads, a chakra necklace, eyeball earrings, and a bracelet with an eyeball on it. Travalon drove me to work today, so I didn't have to deal with the bus (thankfully), and as soon as I got there, a faculty member was already waiting for me. She looked at my jewelry, and at a hanging Evil Eye protector, seen in this photo.

Then she said, "You really like eyeballs!" So we talked about the Third Eye, which seems to mean different things to different people. I always saw it as something of a sixth sense, like when you can "see" spirituality. It's an experience I have had now and then. However, other people seem to think the Third Eye is an evil concept. I think of it like Catherine of Siena, who said, "Open the eye of your understanding." What's evil about that?

Anyway, there were a ton of people around today, so they all saw me in my fortune teller getup. I usually dress pretty generically at work, so who knows what they think of me now? Otherwise, it was kind of a wonderful day. When I went for my morning walk, I smelled a perfumed tree that I couldn't locate, and a catbird was singing right above me, so I greeted it and it greeted me back. At lunch I was going to go to the Allen Centennial Gardens, but I heard a train in the distance and hurried toward where I could see it. At first there was no sign of it, so I was missing the gardens for nothing, but then suddenly it was coming! And I was super close to it! The engineer blew the horn, and it was so loud that I plugged my ears, but I had a huge smile on my face, and when he saw me, he blew it again a bunch of extra times. Just for me? Travalon picked me up from work, and we stopped by La Kitchenette, a local French restaurant, since tomorrow is the last day it will be open. We didn't have reservations, but they had a cancellation, so we were able to have a delicious dinner (I have beef bourguignon and Travalon had duck, then we had lavender creme brûlée for dessert), and yet I got to my condo board meeting just in the nick of time. Afterwards I went out onto the dock, because I'd seen Travalon go there from the window of the board president's house. He wasn't there anymore, but I did see this interesting sunset.

I ran home and told Travalon to come see it, and he brought his good camera, but by then the sun had disappeared completely. With sunsets, every second counts. Too bad he couldn't take a photo with his good camera, because there were thin swirls of cloud across the sun, so it looked striped like Jupiter. I think this is all due to the smoke from the Canadian forest fires. Will that ever end?

Famous Hat

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