Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Keep the Ship from Tipping Over


This morning I woke up from a dream where a neighbor was selling a condo, and it was bigger than ours, so Travalon and I went to look at it to see if we wanted to upgrade. I said, "Look how many bedrooms it has!" and he said, "It doesn't have any more bedrooms than ours - they just have beds in every closet." I woke up puzzled, wondering what the dream was about, but as the day wore on, it started to sink in. 

As my regular readers know, I am the World's Worst Catholic who believes in unorthodox things like reincarnation and is interested in verboten things, like astrology. Obviously I spend a lot of time asking myself, "Am I really Catholic? Why do I keep going to Mass?" And now that they are threatening to close my church, I am really asking myself these questions. I start to ponder other options: Greek Orthodox? Tibetan Buddhist? The monastery down the road that got kicked out of the Catholic Church but still has something they call Mass every Sunday? I remember at the time I was very happy that the bishop was cracking down on such liberal Catholics, but it has not escaped my attention that the hierarchy do not also crack down on far right-wing Catholics. They just get murdered or moved to Janesville. It seems to me that if the leadership is going to keep the ship afloat, they have to make sure it doesn't lean to the right any further than it leans to the left, or it will capsize. Mostly I just dream of a day when all these Francis haters just admit they are Protestants after all, since they no longer respect the authority of the Pope, and they would leave any of us normal Catholics who are still around in peace to follow the magisterium. Anyway, I think that is what my dream is about: the tenets of the Catholic Church are still good. It's just some of the leadership in this country that need to be changed. I still haven't figured out what the beds symbolize...

Famous Hat

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