Saturday, June 24, 2023

Limnology Open House and Super Relaxing Saturday


Yesterday I worked on campus, even though my boss had said that during the summer we could all work from home on Fridays, because my colleague is back on campus. I may have mentioned that she left the Killer Building to go work at the medical school, against my advice and that of several others. It only took her a year to see her folly, so now she is back in Letters and Science. We met at the Limnology Open House and got free ice cream and a free boat ride. Here is a photo she took of me with a sample of water I had collected that was full of water fleas.

After we got off the boat, we looked at the water fleas under a microscope and checked out some water plants. Here is a photo of a pitcher plant's bloom.

Then I had some time before Travalon came to pick me up, so I took a rosary walk and headed toward the Allen Centennial Gardens. I saw this interesting flower there.

That was right at the entrance to the gardens, because then I heard a train, so I hurried to where I could watch it pass by. It was very long, which seems obnoxious for rush hour. Can't they run the long trains through town at a less busy hour? 

Travalon and I were very tired after our exciting couple of evenings, so we just picked up some Chinese takeout and went home, where I talked to Tiffy. Even though we had just seen each other, we never seem to run out of things to talk about. 

Today we were still feeling like relaxing after all that running around, and it was a bazillion degrees out (over 90 F), so we went for a walk at the air-conditioned mall. We did end up buying some stuff; Travalon got a book about John Lennon, I got a book called Dirtbag Astrology, and we got this giraffe with a lot of attitude at the alpaca wool shop, or whatever you want to call it.

He has giraffitude! And he glows under blacklight! Or is it a she? We haven't decided yet.

I wore bright tie-dye and Niko to the mall. Here I am modeling the pink bucket hat I got for National Pink Flamingo Day (which was yesterday) at the Forward shop.

Here I am modeling some hats in Hot Topic. It's hard to see the mushrooms on this beret.

This is like a flower or something - makes me look like an elf.

We had lunch at Portillo's, including their cake shakes because Tiffy said they are so good. We swore we had ordered small shakes, but they were huge! Unless the large is even bigger...? Then we came home, and I read my new book. Once the sun was lower in the sky, we went to the health club and planned to swim in the outdoor pool, but suddenly it began to rain really hard. I said, "Is that all we needed to do to end the drought - plan to swim in the outdoor pool?" But just as abruptly, the rain stopped, so we did swim in the outdoor pool for quite a while. Now we are sitting on the porch listening to the beautiful sound of the rain, which we haven't heard in maybe a month. It's been such a bad drought! Hopefully it is finally over.

Famous Hat

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