Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Garden Mystery


Today was a crazy day. I had a dental appointment at noon, and it went very quickly, which I like to think is a testament to how well I care for my teeth. They did do eighteen X-rays, which seems excessive, but they assure me it's no more radiation than eating half a banana. Then Travalon and I had lunch at a Japanese restaurant, and then he dropped me off at the Killer Building, where I had to sort weeks' worth of mail. It took me all afternoon! I walked to my bandmate's house, and it was so hot I was afraid my mandolin would melt, but it was fine. I was hoarse, however, until my bandmate gave me some cold water. We practiced in the basement because she doesn't have air conditioning, and it was wonderful down there! We had a very good practice. The sky had clouded up as I was walking, but sadly it didn't rain.

So that was the busy part, but here's where it gets weird. We stopped at the garden, and Travalon waited in the air-conditioned car with the mandolin while I went to water my plants. But someone had already watered them!?!? They had also moved around the calla lilies I have in pots, and they had put what looks like composted dirt around some of the plants, like the kale but not the ground cherries, which aren't as obvious anymore. Weirdest of all, they planted a tall white flower! It's very pretty, but I was too shocked to think of taking a picture - I'll try to remember tomorrow. At first I was livid, thinking the people who ran the community garden had given my plot away, but then I thought maybe someone was just being helpful. I posted a message on our community page, and the plot thickens, because several other people have been having similar things happen to them, like one woman said someone planted radishes in her plot. So was this just a kind soul with a lot more time than I have who realized I'm a bit overwhelmed and can't devote the time to my garden plot that I'd like to? Or is it a confused person who thinks it's their own garden plot? If it's a kind person, I hate to get too worked up, but I do feel a bit violated. It's my personal little piece of the world, and nobody is supposed to enter without my permission. Also, is this person then going to start helping themselves to my produce? It's all very odd.

Famous Hat

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