Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Personality Test


I forgot to mention yesterday that right after work I went to my garden, and there was another pink flag, but I weeded for half an hour and then it looked much better. My seeds have sprouted, and my kale was so big that I was able to harvest a little, along with some onions and chive. Best of all, I am going to have ground cherries soon - this is very exciting news when I thought I had lost them. I did eat an almost-ripe strawberry because it seemed likely that it wouldn't be there the next time I came back. When will that be? Who knows? I had Adoration this evening, band practice tomorrow evening, and I am once more making an attempt to donate blood on Thursday evening. Maybe I am too busy for a garden plot...

Speaking of gardens, these beautiful lilies are blooming outside our building. I love the contrast of the orange and the bright green.

Here's a closeup.

Today my boss said we all had to take a personality test, and we would be one of sixteen personality types. I said that sounded like the Myers-Briggs, and I'm always an ENFP, but she said no, each type has a name, like she's the Logician, and you could be an Architect or Explorer or whatever. So I took it, and of course it was the Myers-Briggs, and I was an ENFP, or I believe they called me a "Petitioner." Always trying to make the world better for everyone. The surprising thing was that all of us were N, or Intuitive, and in fact that is the only letter I have in common with Tiffy, so it must be a really important one. True story: years ago a bunch of us took the Myers-Briggs test one Easter Sunday, and we were really good at guessing what the others would be (the Irish guy was a PINT, appropriately enough), but none of us could guess what Rich was. And do you know he was nothing? He was exactly equal in all four traits. (For example, I am two-thirds Extrovert and one-third Introvert.) Nobody had ever seen anything like it before - further proof that Rich is, in fact, an alien life form. Can't remember if I have blogged about that before, but if so, it was long ago enough that I can do it again and nobody will remember.

Then I left work early for an eye appointment. I'm supposed to have a checkup every year, but it had been five years since my last one - I just never have eye issues since having LASIK surgery. Still, they tell me I'm high risk for a retinal detachment, and of course with my advancing age they want to check for glaucoma and cataracts. Interestingly, they said the vision in my left eye got slightly better for distance since my last checkup, but they can see that my close vision is getting a little worse. They gave me a prescription for reading glasses if I want them, but I don't even use cheaters. Of course, after they dilated my pupils, I couldn't read anything close. Driving home was no problem, but then I had Adoration this evening and wasn't sure I could write in my prayer journal. I was an optimist and brought it anyway, and by then I could see well enough to write in it. My pupils were still really big, but I looked more winsome than freaky at that point. Anyway, my eyes looked good, and they took my blood pressure, and that was good too, so I'm feeling really healthy tonight.

Famous Hat

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