Tuesday, June 22, 2021

More Photos of Make Music Madison


I forgot to mention yesterday that after I got home, Travalon and I played tennis. Wow, are we bad! And we really haven't improved since the last time. Usually by the end of the season we are much improved, so we should really play all winter too. Apparently they have indoor tennis courts at Cherokee Country Club, so maybe we will have to consider joining. It's a lot closer than having to drive to the campus tennis stadium down by the hospital, and also we probably wouldn't be as high priority on campus as students, but at the country club we would (I think?) be on equal footing with all other members. It's not the priciest country club, not like the one where all the doctors I used to work with belonged that was more than my annual salary, but more like a gym. Of course, we already belong to a gym, but I don't think they have indoor tennis courts there, just racquetball courts. Maybe we need to take up racquetball. The thing everyone is talking about now is pickleball, but I have never played that. I think it's like racquetball that you play outside on a tennis court...?

Another thing I forgot to mention was a few weeks ago, when Travalon and I were driving home from White Mound County Park, and the Saturday afternoon salsa program was on the radio. I suddenly realized they were singing in French, and then the next song they sounded like they were singing in German. I don't know German well enough to say for sure, but it was definitely something like that, and not Spanish at all. I said, "What is this, the international salsa show?" and Travalon joked that next they would be singing in Russian... and wouldn't you know, the next song sure sounded like they were singing salsa in Russian! Finally the announcer came on and said the next group was from Japan, so we were looking forward to hearing salsa sung in Japanese, but of course that group sang in the clearest, most beautiful Spanish I've ever heard. Which kind of makes sense, because years ago when I was in Spain, studying Basque, almost everyone else was studying Spanish, and all of us Americans and Swedes had terrible accents, but the girl from Japan spoke perfectly. Guys in bars would make her talk because they couldn't believe how beautiful her Spanish was. It must have the same five vowels as Japanese so she had an advantage over those of us who spoke languages with a plethora of vowels.

Here are some more photos from our gig yesterday. This is a great shot of my mandolin... and my coworker said it was a really good shot of me too.

Here are some shots of the whole band. Now you can see where we always practice.

And I have no idea what I'm looking at in this photo, or why I look so smug.

Come to think of it, I'll bet it's not smugness - it's my cute reflex. I'll bet this is when our bandmate's grandkids brought out the chocolate lab puppy Bongo, and I was glancing over at him. It was a little distracting to play with that much cuteness around! And he was far from the only dog in the audience. We had at least three others at various times. Between the human and canine audience members, there must have been two dozen creatures listening to us at the busiest point of our gig. Not bad!

Famous Hat

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