Saturday, January 14, 2023

Amazing Pool and Eagle Day


Yesterday I didn't blog because I was hanging out with the Ladies. Jilly Moose, OK Cap, and I met at Klein's, where they were having a 20% off sale on plants. I wasn't going to get one, but I saw a rick rack cactus that I have wanted for a while. I picked it up and thought, "I'm just going to kill you, little plant. Would you really want to come home with me?" and strangely, I felt like the plant said yes, so I got it. I brought it home, then we had fish at Mariner's, and then Jilly Moose and I stayed at the Hilton West. This place has an AMAZING pool that has splash pad amenities, like the Curtain of Water, the Mushroom of Rain, and the Dumping Bucket, plus a really fun slide. We swam really hard for twenty minutes and then played in the splash pad part. We were so tired that we just watched a little TV and then went to bed early (for me) and slept really hard.

This morning we met Travalon for coffee at Yola's, but it was crazy there, so we went to EVP. Then we went out to Sauk for Eagle Day, and it was crazy out there too. The only place that wasn't packed for lunch was the Village Pub, where we had a pizza. We saw eagles flying over the bridge into town, then we saw some interesting birds by the island. For example, this is a mute swan, not a wild swan. What's it doing swimming on the river with the Canada geese?

And is this a young eagle or an osprey? It's hard to tell.

Here is the landscape across the river.

We did see an eagle on the island as we were driving back from the dam (where we only saw gulls), but there were a lot of people at the lookout spot, so we went to the Mixing Bowl for treats and then the antiques mall, where I didn't find any rosaries I wanted. (There were cheap plastic ones they wanted $10-12 for.) On the backwater part behind Lucky's, we did see what appeared to be young eagles sitting on the ice. This was the best photo Travalon got of them.

Then we drove to the spot from which you can see the two little islands, and we got there just around sunset. It was too cloudy out to see much of the sunset, but there was a little pink in the sky.

On the larger island there is an eagle's nest. You can see it in the middle of this photo.

Here is the larger island with the landscape of bluffs behind it.

And here is the smaller island with a bluff behind it.

We drove back to Madison and had dinner at Athens Gyros; I had an eggplant pita sandwich, since I'd been so bad earlier today. I keep reading that the Mediterranean Diet is the ideal one, and maybe the eggplant sandwich would have been allowed on that. They say it's easy to follow... After that I came home and ran/walked for twenty minutes, but my FitBit hates me because it isn't showing that I had any workouts today, even though we went for two walks that felt like they were long enough to count. I really wanted the running to show up, to see if it was higher than the 13 calories per minute that I reached the other day while running around the house. Since we'll never know, I'll just say it was 18 calories per minute. That's what it felt like.

Famous Hat

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